Monday, February 9, 2009

Cry Baby

Life is one crazy experience. There are times when we feel it has come to a stand still, but life never comes to a stand still. It’s us who stop to look back at what happened. But, in the bargain, we miss out on things that are happening.

Life is too short and subtle to look deep into things that have already happened. It’s better spent looking forward in anticipation. Yes, ‘have expectations’, that’s what I’m trying to say. Unlike me, I know, but keeping oneself busy with self pity and remorse is the only other option. Disappointment, that’s a feeling we are all scared of. But, it’s just another feeling, and it’s created by expectations. So, I managed to confuse myself within a span of one paragraph. How typical.

I keep telling myself and others, that, when I look back at life (which isn’t too long though), I realize that nothing I did or did not do, has altered my life for bad. There are so many things I had planned to do and so many others that I had planned not to do, but without things done or not done, I’m still living and I’m not too unhappy. I’m better off than say 60% of the world’s population. Which puts me in a minority.

Let’s see, what are the things I have or I have had. I have a family (which is very important thing to have), I have friends, I have a job (during this recession, this is a difficult thing to retain), I have had a very happy and fulfilling childhood, I have a home to live in, I can eat whenever I want, I have more than enough money to survive, I can read and write, I can communicate, I can see, I can think, I can speak, I can hear, I can feel, I can breathe and I’m alive. I have seen and met many people who cannot pride themselves of having many, most or any of these.

What am I still whining about? I don’t know, but I will find a reason for sure.

1 comment:

Soma said...

good to acknowledge ones' "happy" existence..
in the process DO NOT stop living.. its 100 times better than observing.. n i can vouch for that