Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hail Lucifer...

I’m mad, I’m crazy…. I’m bad, I’m sexy…

That’s what being a Luciferean has made me. I am passionate about all that is hated. I hate just one thing and that is hate. Do you know why people hate dope??? I found the answer… Coz dope kills hate. Man has hated so much and for so long that he can’t live without hate. Hate is what drives everybody. Some hate poverty, others hate loneliness. Now, you may think I’m preaching hate. You may ask why so many hates, why no love. That’s where lies the irony. Everybody hates love and love hatred.

Love is just an excuse, to make it look like hatred exists in its absence. It’s the other way around. Why else would a young man’s giving his seat to an elder in the bus be considered an act of love? Isn’t that what he’s supposed to do? Am I thinking communism? May be I am. May be that’s why the common room in Presidency is so full of smoke. Try this…

Choose a day when you are totally stressed out, meet up with a few junky friends, have a bottle of chilled beer and top that up with a joint. You’ll agree with me. There’s nothing better than just that to save you on your worst day. You’ll love the guy who tried to kill you. That’s what dope does. It kills hatred and that brings love and lots of it.

Being high is a state of contradiction. They say emotions don’t allow you to think straight. Bull crap. Blow yourself and see for yourself. Your mind is at the highest possible emotional node, but you’ve never thought clearer. You find every error pardonable and isn’t that what all our holy scriptures preach. Love thy enemy and stuff.

Dope makes you spiritual. I never think of God when I’m in need but I debate on God when I’m high. I wouldn’t debate on something when I don’t believe it. Not just the concept of God but the most spiritually preached virtue – Love. I can’t think of not loving when I’m stoned.

Dope can’t repair a heart break. Nothing can, but dope can help with the pain. You know pain is inevitable but suffering isn’t, we can skip that bit and dope is the skipping rope. I live a life of heart breaks and like a heart patient needs to keep Sorbitrate in his pocket, I need dope.

1 comment:

Soma said...

know wat, will get to truly "high"(if i might use that word)

its solitude.. total independence from an external thing or being.. all the conflicts of emotions, self doubts.. WHYs n HOWs come to rest.. whn u have solitude.. n guess wat.. thr is NO smoke.. just a bright FIRE.. within!!!