Monday, March 24, 2008


“Life is a bitch, lets f**k it“. That’s what a friend of mine once told me. Ever since there has been no end to the fun I have had with life. For most average people my age, I’ve seen a lot. But, I still feel there is a lot more I could have seen. I just lost focus. I had circumstances to back me there. I lost my dad when I was just starting off at work. I sound like I blame him for the misery but the fact is I started looking at life more seriously after he left. My only refuge from bankruptcy was gone.

When I come to think of it, I never really had focus. I was just cruising along hoping to get lucky, which I eventually did, but I did have to change my ways to get there. Before I knew, dad was gone. I was on my own, I stopped goofing around, and before I knew I was there, sitting for the interview. Before I realized, I was in a new place, at a new height. Did get a little dizzy but I managed to stay put, though most of it happened while I was busy being clueless.

Here I am today, writing about myself as usual. That’s me in a nutshell. Self obsessed. I am my favorite topic, that’s what my friends tell me. I doubt if they are wrong. When I’m not busy being self obsessed, I’m normally dreaming. But then, I’m quite consistent. I dream mostly about myself in situations that would normally seem impossible at that point but to me they are real. I don’t think we humans can achieve much without dreaming, that’s what some of us seem to believe. Though, most people believe that we can start achieving as soon as we stop dreaming.

I dream a new dream everyday, that’s possibly why I’m never focused. Every time I start working towards achieving a particular dream my mind is clogged by a hundred other dreams. Thus, over a span of time I have a million dreams wooing me, like a million camouflaged demons seducing me to my destruction. That’s life… every moment a new dream is born and with that a new way to finish this little skit called life. It could be a comedy or a tragedy. It all depends on the audience and, the act being played out. Some last long, some are shorter than the rest and some don’t last at all. The longer they are, the more august is the gathering.

The most fascinating thing about life, is life itself. It exists without anyone wanting it to exist and then, it stops when everybody wants it to go on. There is no director as such, just actors and their dreams. Everyone hopes to get there and get there fast. But, no one knows where. It all ends up in a Brownian motion, helter and skelter. We're all like elements, and we collide with each other in this motion. Some collisions have a good reaction and others don’t, but we continue, in our strive to achieve the unknown.

Some day we may just find what we’re looking for, what will we do then? Will that make us happy or will it make us sad? Or we might just feel some undiscovered emotion.

The Two Roads

There are many roads to run down. And I love to run.
I guess that’s because I'm an escapist, running is the best thing I can do.
I can't run fast but I still can run. There are two roads I love running on.
One is the all time favorite - Memory, and the other is my personal favorite - Imagination.

Everyone’s got one or you got amnesia. Then, even if you have amnesia, you do have memories, but you don’t remember them. Running down memory lane, I see a lot of things. Like the way I got pardoned for any folly when I was a kid, all I ever had to do was stick my tongue out. Well, that was when I was 3, I try it now and I’d be called indecent. Also remember the times I hated going to school and wished I had a job like dad. I now hate going to work and wish I was in school. I remember the times I fought with my best friend and we decided we’d never talk again, but we inevitably did and we always ended up being best friends again. I don’t know where he is now, and I’m sure he has no clue of my whereabouts. I hated my dad for scolding me when I was naughty, but he always got me candies when he came back from work. Don’t remember the last time someone gave me a candy.
Memories are like chilly nights, they don’t seem too exciting when they happen but you miss them during the summers. They are bitter to start off with, but end up giving a sweet flavor to life. Memories are what we live with…

When the going gets tough, the tough get….. whatever crap. We shape our lives based on our imagination. The tough just imagine more. We all imagine. The more practical we think we are, the more we imagine. The more fanatical we think we are, the more we imagine. We die for our imagination, we kill for our imagination. We also live for our imagination. Imagination is a way to power. Because god is a creation of our collective imagination. Hope is nothing but imagination…

Long long time ago, when men lived in caves, they had a lot of hardships to face. They lived on top of a mountain in a cluster of caves. Every night these caves would be attacked by wild animals who would carry away their family. This went on for a long time and the men felt helpless. One night, a man lost his entire family. He was distraught. He ran out of his cave, looked up at the sky and cried out in pain and disgust. At that very moment, in the horizon, rose the Sun, and the animals were gone. Thereafter, every night, the men came out of their caves, looked up at the sky and cried till the Sun was up. Thus, was God born.

Imagination is like a cold breeze, that we feel on a summer afternoon, when we think of the next winter. Since we don’t know what future holds for us, everything we think of doing is imagination. Imagination is what we live for…