Monday, August 31, 2009


Two people who have recently been making me think - Tagore and Morrison.
Two very different people with very different ways they expressed themselves. They were both immensely artictic individuals, who potrayed how they felt in ways that make you identify your thoughts.

Tagore expresses how he feels by stating them as they are, while Morrison dismisses his feelings and thus stating how he feels. At times I think, how it would be, if Tagore could have written and Morrison had sung them. Tagore explored emotions that Morrison trashed, they both were highly emotional men, who were driven to music and poetry by their sorrows.

Every line Tagore wrote, you can identify with them even today, you may deny it, but you will feel them at some point or the other. Morrison denied the very same feelings, like an escapist.

Inertia is very boring but addictive, it makes you want to run away from your current situation, but you find yourself so comfortable the way you are, you don't want to move an inch. This way you keep doing the same things, but hate it all the same. When I think of what i could have been doing instead of what I'm doing, it all sounds so exciting. But, I keep making excuses for why I can't budge from where I am.

I wish I could sing, I have so much to sing about, so much there is in my head, running in every direction, I can spend the rest of my life singing about it. I'm bored to death thinking of the thousand things I do that will mean nothing to me 6 months later. Nobody in the world really means anything to me, nothing means anything any longer. I'm just living a life I've got used to living. Isn't that what every creature does? Even if I spent the rest of my life looking after sick people, how will it ever make any difference to me? Will I not repent not being able to live the life of a nomad who has nothing to worry about? Or may be even nomads worry about losing their way. The world is wide, there is no end to it, it is round, whichever way i go, it leads to another place, another piece of land or water, these are the only two alternatives, isn't there? So, what am I so scared of? Why do I think so much before every step I take. I don't think I was ever so scared of taking a step, when I was a child. They say we fear the unknown, but my fear increases the more I know. So, knowledge leads to fear, then why learn? To be fearless I need to unlearn, how do I unlearn? Life, they say is the best teacher, so to stop learning, I need to kill that teacher, but I don't want to end my life to stop learning. I want to end the fear, fear lies in my head, I need to numb my head to stop fearing. We have evolved to fear, fear everything and anything, plants, animals, nature,other humans, ourselves, and when we had nothing else left to fear, we created God, and we started fearing His wrath. How imaginative can we get!!

High on energy but a bad day at work, great combination! I wasn't really bogged by the work load, Was still cribbing about too much work. Was enjoying the work, Was in fact able to complete everything on time, even after taking on more work then required, but one bad result, resulting from my over enthusiasm to do more in less time. That's what comes off doing a lot of work mechanically, without thinking, you realise later, what you did, cannot be undone. I shall repent, but not fear the consequences. I did what I did, hence I deserve what punishment comes off it. Take it, apologise for the mistake and ensure I don't do it again. That's my resolve. There are a few instances in life when we realise we are growing old, maturing, learning from mistakes. This is one of those moments for me. I could have come home, drank over it, but i choose to be brave and face consequences like a brave man. Think I'll give myself a pat on my back for this thought. Don't know if I will always look at my follies this way.

Tide is turning, for better or for worse, only future will tell. but, I see myself change every moment, handle things differently, my priorities seem to be changing. Earlier, I wanted to do things 'cause they were cool, now I want to do them because I want to. I have begun to identify fear and am learning to eradicate it from my life. I am learning to deal with loneliness, insecurities, restlessness, perceptions, about things and people, and other things that exist because we want them to. I realise that most things that I convince myself about, comes from a fear of something or the other. I attribute most of my mistakes to other people's perceptions, but that is because I am scared of being wrong. Well, what is wrong in being wrong? Why make excuses for myself or anybody? And, making a mistake is not excusable because everybody makes them or because we learn from them. We will have to own up to our mistakes and short comings, and face consequences for them. Forget mistakes, we have to face consequences for everything that happens to us. What if I was born blind, will my blaming it on fate or my parents, allow me to see? It won't, I will have to face consequences, I will have to handle my blindness. I could start using my instincts and other organs to survive or I could blame my fate and wait for people to sympathise and take care of me. I choose to do what I want to and face consequences accordingly. I have always believed that nothng in my life has altered it for anything bad. I could have been doing worse off than I am. So why fear what could happen in the future? May be I fear facing people with a blemish on me, well, what could be worse than making a mistake and not owning up to it? At least that way people will trust me to own up to my mistakes, otherwise, even when I am not wrong, they might doubt me to be wrong.

I realise that I always need confirmation for what I do, from people I think are better than me. Every time I do something new, I walk up to people, ask them for their thoughts on it, awaiting confirmation or approval. This again, I guess, stems from a constant fear of being wrong. Who needs confirmation? Why are we living in constant fear? We don't even know fear of what. Being wrong? Being an anamoly? Being different? Not being a part of the crowd? Not fitting in? Not being considered cool? WHAT IS IT?? Isn't the crowd formed by different individuals, entities? Then why fear? If we were all supposed to be the same, why do we have different names, jobs and everything that is different about each of us? Haven't we individually made it so far, from being helpless creatures that couldn't talk, couldn't move, couldn't shit without somebody else's help, to creatures that can stand on two strong feet and live off other beings? Haven't each of us made it to the top of the food chain? What else can we ask for, we have survived this far, how much further do we want to go? I'm sure we will reach whatever height we want. It's only a matter of time. The law of evolution proves it. We will only get better over time. And then we will perish when time comes, and that is inevitable so let's not bother about it till the time comes.

There are times when I want someone to be with me, close to me, but then I realise, when they were close, it wasn't so great, and that's probably because they know I want them close. So, I decide to stay away and never let them know, I'd like them around. Funny thing, when you are with someone, you want to get away, and when she isn't nearby, you want her to be.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Page from a diary. . .

17th January, Saturday.

No sleep last night. A friend had come over. Watched 'Snatch' and 'Oye Lucky, Lucky Oye'. Neetu Chandra's 'Sonal', reminded me of her the entire time. Especially the latter half of the movie. 'Khana khaya' was exactly like her. Oh she's a darling and I think I'm dead. I so want her all the time. And I love the feeling. But, she makes me feel inadequate when she's not around. I so want to be self sufficient, I feel defeated. Something is wrong. They say, 'when you are in love, you enjoy the loneliness'. But, I'm suffering. She's like heroine, I need my dose. And she kept asking me not to get addicted, she knew this was coming.

18th, Sunday.

Not too eventful. Went to a concert in the evening. Was ok. Performance by Mohit Chauhan, from Silk Route and, Neeraj Shreedhar of Bombay Vikings. Went to work. She called at night. Didn't know what to say. Was not sure what she wanted. I'm not sure what i want. May be , I just want to see her happy.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Oscar txts

0732 hrs : 1 oscar down 4 'sdm'! Adapted screenplay!

0746 hrs : U shud hv watched! Hugh jackman compering!

0805 hrs : Btw 2nd oscar 4 cinematography!

0903 hrs : 3rd oscar 4 sound mixing! Sorry, missed ur call..

0906 hrs : Yay! V r on a roll! 4th 1 4 editing!

0925 hrs : Ar rahman wins his 1st n sdm's 5th oscar!

0931 hrs : Jay ho! 2nd 4 rahman n 6th 4 sdm!!

0936 hrs : Frida frm sdm is presenting an award!

0952 hrs : Danny Boyle best director! 7th 4 sdm!

1024 hrs : Icing on the cake n d 8th oscar!! best picture.. Truly jai ho!!

* All times in IST
** sdm - Slumdog Millionaire

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Promised Wednesday. .

It’s yet another Wednesday,
but the one you said, you would wait for, never came.
Or may be it did, and it went away too.
But I just kept waiting . .

Didn’t realize when it went past me,
yet to be woken by reality.
The Thursday before was a storm come true,
and the kiss on Friday,
promised of a greater tempest on the way. . .

Seaside happened and alcohol poured,
they mixed together and burnt it all. . .

And it's yet another Wednesday,
And I'm still here. .

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cry Baby

Life is one crazy experience. There are times when we feel it has come to a stand still, but life never comes to a stand still. It’s us who stop to look back at what happened. But, in the bargain, we miss out on things that are happening.

Life is too short and subtle to look deep into things that have already happened. It’s better spent looking forward in anticipation. Yes, ‘have expectations’, that’s what I’m trying to say. Unlike me, I know, but keeping oneself busy with self pity and remorse is the only other option. Disappointment, that’s a feeling we are all scared of. But, it’s just another feeling, and it’s created by expectations. So, I managed to confuse myself within a span of one paragraph. How typical.

I keep telling myself and others, that, when I look back at life (which isn’t too long though), I realize that nothing I did or did not do, has altered my life for bad. There are so many things I had planned to do and so many others that I had planned not to do, but without things done or not done, I’m still living and I’m not too unhappy. I’m better off than say 60% of the world’s population. Which puts me in a minority.

Let’s see, what are the things I have or I have had. I have a family (which is very important thing to have), I have friends, I have a job (during this recession, this is a difficult thing to retain), I have had a very happy and fulfilling childhood, I have a home to live in, I can eat whenever I want, I have more than enough money to survive, I can read and write, I can communicate, I can see, I can think, I can speak, I can hear, I can feel, I can breathe and I’m alive. I have seen and met many people who cannot pride themselves of having many, most or any of these.

What am I still whining about? I don’t know, but I will find a reason for sure.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Who am I?

I am a lot of me . . . . To some I’m just another guy, to a few I’m just the guy. . I’m a son to some, will be a father to some, for some I’m a brother, there are those who consider me to be a friend, for a few I’m an adversary. . . To some I’m all that matters, and to a lot I don’t exist. I’m an open book to some, and to some, I’m misunderstood. I’m a lover, I’m the guy next door, I’m a fool, I’m intelligent, I’m a man, I’m a child, I’m someone you were looking for, I’m someone you never wanted to meet, I’m blood and I’m flesh, I’m joy and I’m sorrow. I’m who I think I am, I’m that which I didn’t know existed. I’m kinky, I’m mellow, I’m smart and I’m an idiot, I’m compassionate, I’m unkind. . . Sometimes I'm just a sheep in the flock and there are times when I'm a shepherd. .

I am who you want me to be. I am a figment of my own imagination. I create a new me every moment, based on what is required, and I discover a new me every time. I'm fluid, I fill the container and take its shape. They call me flexible, I call myself adaptable. I change with time, I change with weather, I change with age, I change with situation, I find myself reasons to change. Change keeps me going, change gives me an escape, change makes me feel eternal. So, when I am no more, I will still be, because that would just be another change.

There are three of me. One that I think I am, one that others think I am and, what I really am. The objective of my life is to reach a point where all the three of me is one. . . .

Do you still think you know me? I, for one don't. . .

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Paradise Lost

There is this new campaign in the UK and parts of Europe, run by atheists. They have been putting up adverts on buses, challenging the existence of God. The adverts have taglines like, "There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." These as expected have not gone down well with the believers. Christians around the world have been crying themselves hoarse to get the ads banned. One Mr Green of 'Christian Voice', has challenged the adverts on grounds of "truthfulness" and "substantiation", suggesting that there is not "a shred of supporting evidence" that there is probably no God.

Funny, that no other community has protested against this campaign as much as the Christians. Keeping in mind, that they consider themselves to be the most liberal and modern of all religions. In fact, I would have expected the more radical muslims or maybe even hindu groups around the world protesting against this campaign. But, everyone seems to have ignored it other than the church and its followers. What is the Vatican so paranoid about? They have been selling their propaganda around the world for the last 1500 years. Do they really believe that, little, harmless and nonviolent campaigns like these can shake the faith? Or maybe that is what they are scared of, the conversions and brainwashing, that spread the religion around the world, weren’t exactly according the preaching of the Holy Father, was it?

How often do we see atheists protesting against religious banners around the world? They too have their right to free speech and expression. They too can demand what kind of banners and posters they want to see. Why don’t they protest against temples, mosques, churches, synagogues and other places of worship? For an atheist, they are all a waste of space. He would be happier if they opened a bar instead, or maybe a health club, or a hospital, or a school for that matter. Why does he not contest the rights of a school to waste time in teaching children religion? You are only teaching them how to differentiate between people based on something you can’t see.

When will we realize that today, religion isn’t really helping? It’s become one of the major evils of our society. Imagine, Iraq alone had over 29000 people killed in 2008, in attacks by Islamic terrorist groups. India is second with over 3500 deaths, followed closely by Afghanistan and the list goes on. Islam is not the only religion with this problem, we have had IRA in Ireland, the Khalistani movement in Punjab, the Thugees killing in the name of Kali during the British raj, Jews butchered during the holocaust, more than half a million Muslims killed during the crusades. . . .

Maybe we now need to start evolving to live without a religion. Because the way things stand right now, the world is divided into armed camps ready to commit genocide just because we can’t agree on whose fairy tales to believe. And in the end, religion will kill us all.